Sunday, May 29, 2005


Here we go - 2 months late but I had a demon to defeat.

Firstly, apologies to anyone listening to these MIDI files - I know they will be horrible as I haven't seriously practiced in, well, never! Sure I perform professionally all the time and get lots of studio sessions but this is because of my feel and improvisations; not my technique. I don't think I can even play a scale well! But, no excuses - just hard work so here we go!

C.L. Hanon # 1 - 55 bpm - key of C - half time

play consistiently and evenly.

stop rushing the beat - only a few notes on time
dynamics not even - the left hand needs to be stronger and is not matching the dynamic of the right.
two hands not always together - good on some fingers overall but watch being late on the left hand 4th finger

C.L. Hanon # 1 - 58 bpm - key of C - half time

play consistiently and evenly.

watch mistakes!
stop rushing the beat - worse than the last!
dynamics are everywhere - not consistent though it gets better and more consistent later in exercise
two hands not always together; very few exactly together

C.L. Hanon # 1 - 61 bpm - key of C - half time

3 passes:
- forte
- legato
- staccato

Watch mistakes!
Still rushing - relax, you are too tense; no notes on time - atrocious in the staccato section
Two hands not together in forte section; a bit better in the legato section
dynamics uneven

C.L. Hanon # 1 - 65 bpm - key of C

3 passes:
- legato
- staccato
- forte

watch mistakes!
timing is worse and out of the window.
two hands are not together in the legato section though it does get better later on in the exercise.
dynamics are more consistent - not great but better - esp. near end of exercise


I was not very focused this session and did only about half of what I should be doing (minimum of 30 minutes of actual playing + whatever review time). I allowed myself to get distracted but the most important thing is that I finally started! I will be working on "My One & Only Love" in the evening.

Also, I wonder if there some sort of MIDI parameter is advancing the timing as I am consistently early by the same degree. I can set these types of parameters in Live 4 but not Cubase which is what I'm using because of the great piano roll view. Maybe the Live 4 settings are stored at the driver level somehow and are carried into Cubase? dunno and will test later

WTF?!? The MIDI export failed as I didn't really understand that Cubase was trying to make a MIDI file of every single damn practice session I have ever done (they're all in the same file). I will have to change the recording process - consider yourself lucky that there is no tortured playing for you to listen this entry!

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